Thursday, December 3, 2009

syakira vs the bekas

tadi saya me‘logged in’ account myspace teman lelaki saya dan saya mendapati si “BEKAS” itu masih lagi terhegeh-hegeh kepada teman lelaki saya. saya berasa sangat marah kerana si “BEKAS” itu sudah membikin saya panas.

situasi 1

the “BEKAS” added me in Myspace. sara was with me at that moment and i told her about that “BEKAS”. she, too had the same feeling as i had. wasn’t it too obvious that the “BEKAS” wanted to get to know me, i mean to make comparation between she and i. OMG. i guess, that’s a lil bit silly. so i approved her but then i immediately deleted her from my friend. haha. bagus tak?

situasi 2

semasa bulan puasa ramai yang sibuk tag photo mereka sendiri dengan menulis selamat hari raya. konon. huh. mungkin salah satu cara publisiti murahan yang mana saya tidak akan sesekali berbuat demikian. haha. okay. the “BEKAS” was so annoyying. telah men‘tagged’ gambarnya kepada account teman lelaki saya itu. i got mad that i asked him to remove the picture immediately a.s.a.p. jadi segala masalah selesai. i was wondering and am still wondering, why did she have to do such thing? back off la. kan kau dah ada balak lain. walaubagai manapun saya tidak rasa tergugat.

situasi 3

tadi saya membuka akaun teman lelaki saya itu lalu mendapati bahawa ada lagi satu gambar yang memuatkan gambarnya bertuliskan ‘MUAAHH’ saya kurang faham kenapa. superfuck. harsh word. oopss. sorry. haha. tapi, mengapa begitu obvious ingin bertanding dengan saya. saya merasakan saya amat bertuah kerana mempunyai sahabat yang menyokong saya.

ELLO ANWAR MANSOR : get away motherfucker. bf u tue cam hot babi. babi pun x hot cam die

SHIRRIN RUSDI : syak!!! i ttap sokong u!!!!

AZIRA ANWAR : Babe if I were you pon I marah laaa okaay she just couldn't get over it laaaa but no worries he's yours and forever will be yours :) hehehe babeee I miss youuu tak tipuuuuuu

FADZLIN AIMI : hahaha syak sabr syak. kte pon gone thru the s me thing. dye jealous tu. because km lagi hebat dri die to have the guy!! lol :))

SARA ADILA IDROSE : huhu suka cari pasal ja girl tu.

MUNIRAH SOHAIMI : no one can get away with it when messing with syak! karma will get the 'BEKAS'.. stay strong n live happily gal! :p

i feel so relieve that everyone is behind me to support me. thanks kawan


At December 3, 2009 at 8:28 AM , Blogger syakirakhair said...

comparation tu silap..comparison...laaa


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